G About Song of the Woodpecker

Song of the Woodpecker is our on-again-off-again TTRPG game set in Greg Stafford’s Glorantha. We have run this campaign down the years in both RuneQuest and HeroQuest (née Hero Wars), and we are currently using RuneQuest: Adventures in Glorantha.

History of the Campaign

The original, and I mean original, campaign began using the RuneQuest 3rd Edition (Avalon Hill) rules and occurred primarily in the Zola Fel river valley (the River of Cradles). Years later, we started another game this time using the HeroQuest system, and focused on the Orlmarth clan in Sartar. While this campaign was not directly related to the previous one, I always had in the back of my mind that they are, or will be someday, related. That campaign ran its course and subsequently, when the new edition of RuneQuest came out, we started the story again, this time with a small leap forward in time and with the younger relatives of the heroes from the previous campaign as the primary characters. After another break, we are picking up with these characters again.

What Went Before

I’ll not dig back into the records of the HeroQuest game (suffice it to say that the heroes rescued Hofstaring Treeleaper from Lunar Hell and one of the heroes wed Ernalsulva of Greenstone). However, what follows is a somewhat accurate account of the most recent years of the campaign just prior to “current events”.

More detail here: