Rise of the Woodpeckers

I have attempted to reconstruct the major events from my notes. Many details and small personal interactions have absolutely been glossed over.

ele Clayday, Harmony, Earth 1625

The Dragonrise. Blackmor killed.

elx Freezeday to Clayday, Fertility, Earth 1625

Kallyr liberates Boldhome.

wce Waterday, Stasis, Earth 1625

Leika Black Spear acclaimed Queen in Clearwine.

gse Waterday to Windsday, Movement, Earth 1625

The heroes arrived in Apple Lane and meet the following important persons:

  • Aileena, Priestess of Uleria and nominal leader of Apple Lane (Hiording)
  • Janeera, Initiate of Ernalda and Uleria at the Temple (Ernaldoring)
  • Brightflower, Bolster Brewer’s daughter, Owner of the Tin Inn (Varmandi)
  • Gooseberry Sprig, Self-serving Talented Cook and Duck at the Tin Inn (Quackford)
  • Postal, Handyman at the Tin Inn (Hiording)
  • Mineera, Postal’s wife and serving woman at the Tin Inn (Tarshite)
  • Vareena, Postal’s daughter and serving girl at the Tin Inn (Hiording)
  • Pramble, Respected local poet and elderly drunk at the Tin Inn (Boldhome)
  • Kareena, Elderly God-talker of Orlanth at the Temple of All-Gods (Hiording)
  • Hendroste, the Horsemaster (Pure Horse People)
  • Jeena, Hendroste’s wife (Hiording)
  • Squinch “The Greylord”, Proprietor of the Storeroom (Hiording)

The Tin Inn is attacked by the tusker gang and the heroes help to successfully repel them and save many lives. The heroes hunted the tuskers to Pig Hollow and killed Xiobarg and Redeye the Pig.

jse Fireday to Wildday, Movement, Earth 1625

The grateful hamlet inhabitants rejoice and Aileena offers Berrik the title Thane of Apple Lane and the buildings, lands, and responsibilities that go with it. The thane must:

  • Serve Orlanth (or a closely associated cult);
  • Swear to defend Apple Lane and uphold the law of the tribe and Sartar; and
  • Swear to serve the Colymar tribe in war and peace.

The new thane must go to Clearwine to be recognized by Queen Leika. The heroes travel to Clearwine to report on the events at Apple Lane. They meet the following important persons:

  • Queen Leika “The Ballista” Black Spear, Queen of the Colymar (Taraling)
  • Asborn Thrice Born, High Priest of Orlanth Thunderous of the Colymar (Hiording)
  • Dunorl Brandgorsson, Storm Voice of the Clearwine Lightbringers (Ernaldoring)
  • Ereneva Chan. High Priestess of Ernalda (Clearwine Temple) (Ernaldoring)
  • Erannina Chan, Rune Lord of Babeestor Gor, Ereneva’s bodyguard and sister (Ernaldoring)
  • Sora Goodseller, Priestess of Issaries (Hendriki, Jansholm in the Holy Country)
  • Hastur the Lawspeaker, Chief Priest of Lhankor Mhy of the Colymar (Ernaldoring)
  • “Nameless”, Champion of the Colymar and Rune Lord of Humakt
  • Kerisdana Hollybright, Priestess of Chalana Arroy at Clearwine Lightbringers (Konthasos)

Xse Godday, Movement, Earth 1625

Leika acclaims Berrik Thane of Apple Lane. In return for his loyalty, she grants him the Thane’s House and lands, which include 50 acres of orchards (about 5 hides) and a masterwork sword from her own panoply.

wie Freezeday to Waterday, Illusion, Earth 1625

The heroes return to Apple Lane. The thane’s tenants at Apple Lane are:

  • Rastolf Good Farmer, his love-wife Serla, and their three children;
  • Former librarians and so-so farmers Ivo Stone Brook and his bed-wife Muriah;
  • The Rotroots: cagey “Ma”, the bully Vigil, and the charming but lazy Phineas;
  • Caleb the Black, former outlaw and determined farmer, and his faithful love-wife Abrela and their three children;
  • Kalla the Foreigner, who worships a spear but is a good farmer and fighter.

Xye Fireday to Godday, Truth, Earth 1625

Kallyr liberates Jonstown; unfortunately, the Lunars ransack the city before being routed. The great library is burned (but not completely destroyed).

For the next several weeks, refugees and wounded, both Lunar and Sartarite, pour into Apple Lane. The Uleria Temple becomes a make-shift hospital for the wounded and sick, and the Temple to All-Gods opens its doors to shelter and feed the refugees. The thane’s reputation for hospitality and fair-dealing begins to become known.

gjo Windsday, Disorder, Dark 1625

The first snow of 1625 at Apple Lane.

.jo Fireday, Disorder, Dark 1625

The giant Gu’un’gu’nar appears in Apple Lane and becomes besotted by the White Woman, Senrana, who becomes the Tiny Giant’s Bride.

Xj. Wildday to Godday, Disorder, Dark 1625

Leika and her retinue arrive in Apple Lane unexpectedly and have dinner with the thane at the Tin Inn.

elo Freezeday to Clayday, Harmony, Dark 1625

Heortarl, a young Varmandi herder, informs the thane that a pair of sakkars are preying on the cattle herds of Varmandi in the nearby hills north of Apple Lane. Short-handed because of recent raids by the Orlevings, the herders request the thane’s help. The heroes embark on a sakkar hunt, finding Heortarl’s clansmen - Vargast his elder brother, Jareena, Varlanth, Hengall, and Cara - and the herd of about 50 cattle. They hunt down and drive off the sakkars.

As luck would have it, several Orleving raiders come across the herd, led by Deseros Blood Sword. Negotiations almost fail when Heortarl does something rash. Some violence ensues, but the heroes find another way and make a deal with Deseros.

Fazzur Wideread seizes Alda-Chur.

.lo Windsday to Fireday, Harmony, Dark 1625

The second snow. The heroes return with the Varmandi herders to Oak to explain the deal made with the Orlevings. Korol Serpent Tongue, the Varmandi chieftain, is impressed and grants 10 cows from his herd to Apple Lane, and swears friendship. The heroes return to Apple Lane.

jlo Wildday, Harmony, Dark 1625

Yandara True Speaker of the Orlevings arrives bearing the Herald’s Staff. She demands weregilds for the wounded Orlevings, which the thane pays. The herald leaves satisfied.

oto Freezeday, Death, Dark 1625

A small contingent of Lunar soldiers arrive in Apple Lane. They have been lost in the hills since the Sack of Jonstown and they are freezing and starving. They seek shelter in the Temple of Uleria so they can recover before they make for Alda-Chur, where they can rejoin their army. The thane, despite the reservations of many, grants them hospitality. After a few days, they depart. They declare they will speak well of Apple Lane forever along with a promise to head straight to Alda-Chur as quickly as possible.

gto Windsday, Death, Dark 1625

The Battle of Dangerford. In Apple Lane, everyone sees Jagrekriand Shargash chase Orlanth’s Ring across the sky and break it, consuming the three new stars that appeared at the end of the Great Winter.

.to Fireday, Death, Dark 1625

Ma Rotroot and her sons tell the thane that Kalla the Foreigner is harboring one of the Lunar soldiers. She is, indeed - a childhood friend from Peloria who had been stationed in Jonstown. The thane extracts oaths from them both but does not drive the stranger out, somewhat to the dismay of the Rotroots.

Xt. Wildday to Godday, Death, Dark 1625

The first true winter storm of the season.

oxo Freezeday, Fertility, Dark 1625

Minaryth Blue arrives in Apple Lane, after having escaped from the Battle of Dangerford. Wounded, dismayed, and near-freezing, he seeks refuge in the Temple of Uleria and remains in town while he recovers. Before he departs, Minaryth tells the heroes what he witnessed at the battle at Dangerford and gives three smoking and faintly glowing embers to the thane to protect and keep utterly secret.

See: Minaryth’s Account

otg Godday to Freezeday, Death, Storm 1625

Korol Serpent Tongue asks for help from the heroes. He asks they go to Clearwine to speak to the Queen on a most urgent matter.

wxg Waterday, Fertility, Storm 1625

The heroes witness a dragon attacking Jenstalsstead, their cousin-by-marriage’s land. They investigate and find survivors:

  • Arndala, Jenstal’s wife (Arnoring, age 35), near death
  • Korostal, Jenstal’s younger brother (Anmangarn, age 25)
  • Penene the Younger, Jenstal and Arndala’s eldest child (age 16), a fine healer
  • Arnstal, Penene’s younger brother (age 13), who burns for vengeance
  • Eona, Hulik’s wife (Anmangarn, age 25), pregnant

Jenstal and Hulik were killed trying to defend the stead. Penene the Elder died inside the hearth, succumbing to the dragon’s poison breath.

exg Clayday, Fertility, Storm 1625

The heroes have an audience with the Queen to deliver Korol’s message and report on the dragon attack. The Queen sends them to speak with Tarndisi, who might know where the dragon is coming from, seeing as it flew off in the direction of the Grove.

gxg Windsday, Fertility, Storm 1625

The heroes are granted an audience with Tarndisi. The Aldryami are annoyed when they catch young Arnstal invading the Sacred Grove - he has been following the heroes hoping to be included in their adventure. Tarndisi tells them the dragon has risen from the vicinity of Queen’s Tomb in the Thunder Hills. She advises them that Berevenenos could help them.

.xg Fireday, Fertility, Storm 1625

The heroes encounter a dragonewt war party. The heroes perform the ancient Orlmarthi dances to communicate with the dragonewts. Slave to Lies, who has been surgically modified to speak to aliens, informs the heroes that the dragonewts, too, are hunting Yerezum Storn, the dream dragon. Sarna Ya’qal, the leader, gives the heroes the Obsidian Sword, requesting their return to a dragonewt plinth with Yerezum Storn’s head, and the dragonewts depart.

jxg Wildday, Fertility, Storm 1625

The heroes locate Old Grave and come to an agreement with Berevenenoss’ ghost. Aeson takes the Panoply (the Silver Helmet, the Iron Cuirass, Chestbreaker, Andrinor, and the Great Shield) to defeat the dragon.

wcg Freezeday to Waterday, Stasis, Storm 1625

The heroes search the Thunder Hills for Queen’s Tomb. They eventually find the Two Heads, which show the path to the tomb.

ecg Clayday, Stasis, Storm 1625

The heroes enter Queen’s Tomb and, armed with the Obsidian Sword and the Panoply of Berenevenos, defeat Yerezum Storn and free Orgorvale Summer. The dragon’s head asks that the heroes keep it rather than surrender it to the dragonewts.

gcg Windsday, Stasis, Storm 1625

The heroes return to the plinth, summon Sarna Ya’qal, and surrender the head. Slave to Lies informs them Sarna Ya’qal is grateful and they may call upon him for aid.

.cg Fireday, Stasis, Storm 1625

The heroes return to Clearwine with news of the dragon’s death. Leika grants them 5 hides of land in Nymie Vale (which includes Jenstalsstead) and 20 cattle from the royal herd. She grants Aeson the rank of tribal thane.

I Sacred Time 1625

Kallyr attempts and fails her Lightbringer’s Quest. She receives a Dolorous Wound.


elw Waterday to Clayday, Harmony, Sea 1626

The heroes travel to Clearwine to engage in the seasonal festivities and to honor Leika’s first year as Queen. While in the Lower Market, they witness a performance by Treya of Ezel, who is the daughter of their cousin Pala - Orlmarthi by that descent, but she was raised in Esrolia. She is performing to honor Leika’s first year as queen. Aeson dances with her as part of the performance and makes everyone happy. Treya invites the heroes to celebrate at the Ram’s Head and learn she is the granddaughter of Thinala of Ezel - she also demonstrates she is definitely not the warrior her grandmother was. Treya also calls them to adventure, speaking of the Smoking Ruin and the fact that Daravala Chan is looking for someone to find a lost Earth temple in Beast Valley, which sounds awfully like the Smoking Ruin Treya seems to know so much about.

With Treya in-tow, the heroes meet with Daravala Chan, priestess of Ernalda, who employs them to go find out if the Smoking Ruin and the lost Earth temple are one and the same.

There is a lot of detail I am skipping over here, as the above only scratches at some of the subtle goings-on: Treya’s odd history, Daravala and Ereneva’s rocky relationship, how you got information out of Hastur the Lawspeaker, how you convinced Sora Goodseller to help, Asborn’s tenderness towards the street urchin Asmara., and probably other details.

glw Windsday, Harmony, Sea 1626

The heroes depart Clearwine and make their way towards Duck Point.

jlw Fireday to Wildday, Harmony, Sea 1626

The heroes spend a day in Duck Point looking for a guide who knows Beast Valley. In Duck Point, they meet:

  • Four Steps Blue Steps, a dragonewt who “recognizes” Treya when she laughs, pointing at her and saying “Thinala! Bark!” and then approaching and making the sounds “Yiap! Yiap!”. Unfortunately, no one spoke Auld Wyrmish (or Old Pavic) and apart from three or four words, which you couldn’t decide were “Ate. One. Man.” or “At. This. Man.” or “Ate. One. Moment.”;
  • Daisy Puddlepaddle, a local outfitter;
  • Orlbeak Windflapper, a local guide who agreed to come with the heroes.

Following Orlbeak’s advice, the heroes decide to take a direct route across Spinosaurus Flats, past Urvantran’s Tower, through the Feyghost Wood, and over the Orolmarn Hills into Beast Valley.

Xlw Godday, Harmony, Sea 1626

In the Orolmarns, the heroes come across Clatterhoof, a minotaur, worshiping Kero Fin. Clatterhoof agrees to join the adventure.

otw Freezeday, Death, Sea 1626

A gallop of centaurs overtakes the heroes. Passions run high, but battle is avoided. The leader of the centaurs is Dappled Light. Orlbeak proves his worth, as no one else speaks Beastspeech.

wtw Waterday, Death, Sea 1626

The heroes meet three Grazers, who welcome them with the Peaceful Approach. They are:

  • Oxus, a young Sun Lord of Yu-kargzant
  • Andretta, his wife
  • Gedua All-Seer, his mother and advisor
  • A ghost, who you do not speak to

The Grazers inform the heroes they are very near the Smoking Ruin and that they are invited to come visit them at Queen’s Post “if and when your eyes stop burning.”

.tw Clayday to Fireday, Death, Sea 1626

The heroes arrive at the Smoking Ruin, meet Thinala’s Ghost who pulls Treya into Hell and comes back, and escape from the monster, Varmargic, with Ernalda’s Mirror. Thinala returns to her duties at Queen’s Post rather than go back to Clearwine with the heroes.

exw Waterday to Clayday, Fertility, Sea 1626

The heroes return to Clearwine with Ernalda’s Mirror. A celebration and feast is held. A great procession carries the Mirror to the Temple where the celebrants perform the Marriage of Orlanth and Ernalda. While the Earth Temple is delighted, Leika seems somewhat irritated by the whole affair.

gxw Windsday, Fertility, Sea 1626

The heroes return to Apple Lane after checking in on Jenstalsstead.

wcw Waterday, Stasis, Sea 1626

The heroes are summoned to Old Man Village. There they meet:

  • Leika Black Spear, Queen of the Colymar;
  • Amalda, Queen of the Malani
  • Kallyr Star Brow, Queen of the Kheldon, Prince of Sartar
  • Ranulf, King of the Culbrea
  • Minaryth Blue
  • And others (Asborn, Hastur, and other members of the retinues)

Kallyr’s wound stinks. Kallyr demands to see the Three Corpse Stars that Minaryth gave into the thane’s keeping and she exclaims they were stolen from her. Amalda says that the Lunars summoned Jagrekriand Shargash to snuff out the Red Cow Eleven Lights, but that stars rise, and fall, and rise again, so might the Eleven Lights and the Three Corpse Stars. The queens reveal that Orlanth has been gravely wounded by Jagrekriand Shargash at Dangerford . The Eleven Lights that were healed by the Red Cows, thus beginning the end of the Great Winter, have been broken again and the Lunar empire is poised to strike at once and plunge Sartar back into darkness and oppression. Now the Colymar and the Orlmarth will do what the Malani and Red Cows did 5 years ago and fix that which is broken.

esw Clayday, Stasis to Clayday, Movement, Sea 1626

Using the leather belts Minaryth Blue salvaged from the wreckage of the Jonstown Library, the heroes engage the Orlmarth and prepare for the heroquest. The Orlevings are gifted and Deseros Blood Sword of the Orlevings agrees to be Mastakos.

gsw Windsday, Movement, Sea 1626

Auspiciously, the heroes depart for the underworld from the Starfire Ridges. Deseros Blood Sword escorts the heroes safely to the Gates of the West.

Note: I will not detail the entire heroquest here, but I will gather my notes on that elsewhere.

gyw Windsday, Truth, Sea 1626

The heroes plummet back to the Starfire Ridges with the Three New Stars.

.yw Fireday, Truth, Sea 1626

The Orlmarth perform the Three Star Rites.

Xj. Fireday to Godday, Disorder, Fire 1626

At Aileena’s urging, the thane agrees to host the traditional Applefest in Apple Lane once again. The actual climax of the festival is on Godday, when the Children’s Quest is performed to sanctify the subsequent High Holy Week of Uleria. The Children’s Quest almost goes awry, but the experienced heroes succeed. Queen Leika, who attended, presents the thane with Dronland Sharp Sword’s sword - he was the previous Thane of Apple Lane murdered by the Lunars.

wt. Waterday, Death, Fire 1626

Pharandros of Tarsh and his army enter Sartar.

ex. Fireday, Death to Clayday, Fertility, Fire 1626

Leika sends Aeson to Sun Dome Temple to negotiate an alliance with the Vanatari against the Tarsh army.

Xx. Godday, Fertility, Fire 1626

Argrath of Pavis arrives at the Rainbow Mounds and seeks an audience with the heroes.

wc. Freezeday to Waterday, Stasis, Fire 1626

Argrath discusses the magic of the new Eleven Lights with the heroes. In the Mounds, he finds and gives them an egg which eventually hatches into Bronze Huaun, the wyter of the Three New Stars. Argrath seems to be formulating something, but does not reveal much. The heroes meet his retinue:

  • Argrath White Bull, King of Pavis
  • Mularik Ironeye, Blue-skinned Zzaburi Arkati, with an iron ball for an eye
  • Elusu the Trickster, High Llama trickster
  • Sir Narib, a western sorcerer
  • Tosti Runefriend, a Lhankor Mhy priest
  • Tarkala the Lover, an Esrolian snake priestess
  • Rurik Runespear, a Yelmalio light son from Pavis

gc. Windsday, Stasis, Fire 1626

The tribe is summoned to war.

Xs. Godday, Movement, Fire 1626

The Battle of the Queens at Two Sisters. Kallyr is killed by Lunar sorcerers who magically leap into her camp upon Old Top and cut her down. Also killed are Queen Amalda and King Ranulf. Korol Serpent Tongue receives a grievous wound that he succumbs to some days later. Queen Leika, the Colymar, and the Orlmarth in particular drive the Lunars back into the river and into retreat.

oi. Freezeday, Illusion, Fire 1626

After a brief parley with Queen Leika, King Pharandros of Tarsh withdraws his army to Alda-Chur.

Xi. Waterday to Godday, Illusion, Fire 1626

Kallyr cannot be resurrected. The Colymar carry her body back to Boldhome.

jle Freezeday, Truth, Fire to Wildday, Harmony, Earth 1626

For almost 21 days, Kallyr’s body lays upon her pyre in Boldhome. Many refuse to light the fire and burn her body. There are riots between those who want to fulfill the ritual and those who want to stop it.

Xle Godday, Harmony, Earth 1626

Fed up with the indecision and riots, Queen Leika throws the torch on Kallyr’s pyre herself. The Colymar leave Boldhome and return to Clearwine.

Xte Windsday to Godday, Death, Earth 1626

Cabbage thieves plague Apple Lane. The thieves turn out to be Hungry Cabbage Head spirits, small stick-bodied sprites with enormous cabbage heads and sharp teeth. Leaving offerings of porridge solves the problem.