Zola Fel, River of Cradles

Zola Fel is the god of the Zola Fel River, also known as the Praxian River God. The river itself, located in the Valley of Cradles, is commonly referred to as the River of Cradles, named after the Giant’s Cradles that once floated down it. Zola Fel’s daughters are Kinope and Glubaw the Drowner, and among his heroes is the Cleansed One.

The Zola Fel Riverfolk

The native river folk of the Zola Fel have been here since before the Darkness and depend on the river and its resources. Most of them make a living as fishers; many other trades are based on the reeds which clog the banks and channels of the Zola Fel, including boat-making, basket-weaving and papermaking (using papyrus).

Most riverfolk wear nothing but a loincloth and a conical hat made out of reeds: their more prosperous relatives and those living in permanent settlements wear linen skirts.

Among themselves, the riverfolk speak Boatspeech, an ancient language spoken by many river peoples in southern Genertela.

Most riverfolk migrate with the seasonal changes of the Zola Fel, making their temporary dwellings out of reeds. In winter and spring, when the water is highest, their encampments stretch all along the river; in the summer and autumn, at low water, they decamp for the marshy delta and the south coast. Giant insects, chaos monsters, and Wolf Pirate raiders make living in those parts difficult, but the Zola Fel folk have found ways of dealing with these challenges.

Permanent riverfolk communities are found near Pavis and the larger towns of the valley, wherever trade in fish, river crafts and their transportation services are valued. The growth in river trade following the founding of Corflu brought many boat people new prosperity, and they are now adjusting to the abrupt changes.

Riverfolk society is based on the clan, with authority shared between respected elders, priests, and wealthy figures of reputation.

The riverfolk have no military traditions and respond to aggression and compulsion with outward acquiescence, evasion, and covert treachery; when possible, they relocate to avoid conflict. Having been badly treated by outsiders throughout their history, and with little interest in land-dwelling affairs, many riverfolk are wary of outsiders and do not go out of their way to welcome travelers or Praxians.

Any land-dweller who hopes to traffic with the river people would be well advised to offer public sacrifices to the Zola Fel if he hopes for cordial relations. The riverfolk treat fairly with baboons, and have excellent relations with newtlings, fish folk, giant otters, and other sentient non-human races of the river valley, the delta, and the southern coastal swamps.

Source: HeroQuest Pavis: Gateway to Adventure, p.13f.