It is Less Complicated Now. Or is it?

gjo Windsday, Disorder Week, Dark Season 1626, Before Dawn

In the early hours before the dawn, having evacuated the Lunar refugees out of the tower, we crept our way up in search of sleeping bandits. These we found, and Berrik dispatched almost all of them quietly and quickly. One, a woman, had set wards out around her bed which woke her. She quickly muttered an unanswered prayer to Gargarth, then was summarily thrown down the chimney by Berrik, breaking her neck on the great hall hearth and roasting to death.

We then burst into the bandits’ apparent chief’s room. He was skyclad, but armed, and he quickly attempted to take Obrast hostage, but the slippery stickpicker just wouldn’t hold still. We leveled our weapons at his throat while he struggled with Obrast; he recognized his predicament, released the kid, and threw down his weapon to surrender. Berrik didn’t kill him, and Aeson was probably muttering thankfully under his breath for small blessings. The thane gave the outlaw, a Namolding man from Famous Bell1 named Harnal, a chance to live out his outlawry by honorable means, extracted an oath from him for sparing his life, and set him free into the winter night with some food, clothing, and weapons to hunt with.

Aeson, just before this, had impaled the last standing bandit through the leg against the wall. Unlike Harnal, who still seemed to be in possession of his Man rune, the bandit had given into his beastial nature. However, Aeson showed mercy (when Berrik refused to issue judgement on Aeson’s capture): he healed the man’s wound, extracted an oath from him, and allowed him to follow Harnal’s footsteps into the night snow.

Tarkalor’s Keep was ours.

gjo Windsday, Disorder Week, Dark Season 1626, Late Afternoon and Evening

We returned with the stolen chattel and refugees to Oak. While Korol Serpent Tongue was delighted with the news that Tarkalor’s Keep was in his hands and we had brought back most of the stolen property, he was completely opposed and immune to persuasion on the matter of housing the Lunar refugees in Oak. Meima Greenlips, his wife, stepped in with a reasoned half-measure: we would have to house (or otherwise deal with) the refugees ourselves, but we could take food and fodder from the recovered goods to assist them (notably, these items were stolen from the Malani). Korol was still not pleased about helping any Lunars, but he nonetheless honored the winning of Tarkalor’s Keep, which did please him: he gave us Lunar silver and honest pledges of loyalty - and a promise to sing about us in the future.

o Dark Season 1626

We spent the next week dealing with the refugees and their internment for the winter. We were able to house some of them in the Dregs in Clearwine, but that was only after the Arroyan, Kerisdana Hollybright, gave a gentle plea for mercy for them. Otherwise, the Queen and her Ring seemed unmoved and uninterested in the fate of the Lunars - though that would surprise no one at all. But Kerisdana, and Hastur Lawspeaker following on, plead and moved the Queen to house a few. Asborn Thriceborn and Nameless snorted as if we had farted in their faces.

Berrik managed to get them all housed somewhere up and down Nymie Vale and we settled down for the winter.

.lg Fireday, Harmony Week, Storm Season 1626

It was a dark and stormy night. Aeson was awaken from bad dreams by a crack of thunder and lightning. A woman made of stardust with a gleaming star in her forehead laid a gentle hand on his chest.

She said, “Aeson Sunson, I am Kallyr Starbrow and I need your help.”

People We Met

Harnal gj,

Outlaw, Gargarthi chief, former Namolding. Age 33.

A tall and broad-shouldered man, deep-set eyes, and a rugged face. His skin carries the wear and tear of many battles with tattoos that mark his dedication to Gagarth. Harnal was a respected warrior in his home village of Famous Bell but was exiled after a dispute with the chieftain. He then took up with a Gagarthi warband to survive and became their nominal leader (likely due to his battle experience). While dedicated to Gargarth, he sees no need to commit more violence than necessary to achieve his goals, nor is he particularly cruel.

After sparing his life, Berrik invited him to return to Apple Lane and serve in the Eleven Lights if and when Harnal survived his outlawry.

Foundry Chat Log

  1. Famous Bell is a village in the Arfritha Vale and clan seat of the Namolding2 clan. The village has a bell, the Famous Bell, which when rung in times of danger can be heard the entire length of the valley from Red Bird to Jonstown, a distance of about 16km. ↩︎

  2. The Namoldings were once a Colymar clan, but in 1613 as punishment for rebellion, the Lunars stripped the Namoldings from the Colymar and gave them to the Malani. ↩︎