Saving Senulf's Sight, Earth 1617

A report from the Orlmarthings who were there.

oje Freezeday, Disorder Week through gje Windsday, Disorder Week

We decided to take advantage of the presence of the White Lady in Clearwine Temple to help Senulf the Redsmith. We planned to take him there, present gifts to the White Lady, and ask her to regrow Senulf’s burned-out eyes.

Orsten and Dinestan combed the Starfire Ridges for rare medicinal herbs to fashion into a gift for the priestess. Dinestan consulted with the earth priestesses at Orane’s Loom beforehand to determine if there were particular herbs on the tula that the Arroyans might particular need.

They found some comfrey, some nightshade, and a small batch of fresh Alder bark which the Priestesses said were good for treating burn wounds. They also found a precious handful of starwhorl, a magical herb that only grows around the Cinder Pits.

Desrik and Sarlanth travelled to Clearwine with Senulf to present the gifts and to ask the White Lady to heal Senulf’s eyes. Armed with the gifts, we escorted Senulf to Clearwine Temple to gain an audience with the White Lady.

The Lady was Erynn Mercy, the ancient and great White Lady of the Jonstown Temple. She was one of the members of the Sartar High Council during Starbrow’s Rebellion. Despite that, the Lunars still respect her and have allowed her to continue healing all who ask. She has restored life to the dead, regrown limbs, and even healed the wounds of a god.

The priestesses of Clearwine treated their guest with the highest respect. Around the copper walls of the temple, a huge and growing crowd of supplicants sought the White Lady’s blessing. Sartarites and Lunars alike gathered in peace to see her. No one spoke ill of another. No one raised a hand against anyone else. Enemies shared meals. No one present dared offend the great goddess of mercy.

Each dawn, Erynn Mercy and her younger attendants came out of the copper-clad Temple of Earth and began to minister to the gathered needy. Simple blessings and minor cures were handled by the acolytes. More severe cases were brought forward to the temple steps, where the great priestess would tend to the supplicant herself. At sunset, the exhausted priestesses retired to the temple until the next day.

Once they arrived, Sarlanth and Desrik waited two days for a chance to present Senulf and the gifts to the priestesses: two days spent in very close proximity to our enemies.

Sarlanth knew what was at stake. It was very difficult, but Sarlanth he managed to keep the peace with the gathered Lunars and enemy clansmen. Barely able to hold it together himself, Sarlanth told Desrik to keep his nose clean and stay out of trouble with the Lunars - and that meant no drinking. Desrik understood what is at stake and decided to distract himself by entertaining the crowds, all the while reminding himself he was doing this for the sake of his clan. He might even pocket some extra coin.

Unfortunately, Desrik could not resist the temptation of liquor, especially that delicious Bagnot Red the Tarshite provincial soldiers always carry. Desrik got quite literally punch-drunk and threw a wild punch at some Lunar soldier. A group of Sartarites and Lunars dragged Desrik out of sight of the temple grounds and beat him bloody before Sarlanth could rescue him.

After that, everyone at Clearwine knew who Desrik was and what he did. Soon enough, our clan will know what he did, too. We told Desrik he needs to “shape up or ship out”. As always, Desrik tried to laugh it off and see the bright side of any occasion. It was only one drunk punch, after all.

Despite the social embarrassment, “Happy-Go-Lucky” Desrik still approached the acolytes with a donation on behalf of Senulf. The acolytes politely but firmly refused Desrik’s donation. They, too, had heard of his disruption of the Goddess’ Peace and wanted nothing to do with him.

Our mission was clearly in jeopardy. Sarlanth did his best. Remembering that Dinestan and Orsten had located some starwhorl, Sarlanth made a point of bringing the herb to the acolytes’ attention. The acolytes agreed that starwhorls were a valuable and worthy gift. They agreed to overlook our kinsman’s earlier disturbance and escorted us before Erynn Mercy. The ancient White Lady was gracious and had Senulf taken inside the earth temple (a place no man is allowed, but the earth priestesses did not rebuke her). The next day, Senulf walked out of the temple without anyone leading him. His eyes were no longer a mass of blackened scar tissue, but new, beautiful, blue eyes. He wept with joy, thanking us. He never spoke of what he saw inside the temple except only to say “I saw the Mother of Mercy!” and then he got teary-eyed.