Render Unto Moonson

A report from the Orlmarthings who were there.

Kje Wildday, Disorder Week, Earth Season 1617

An Etyries emissary, Ossas Gilia, arrived from Runegate, accompanied by a detachment of soldiers on foot and horse. He was also accompanied by a robed and cowled female figure, clearly a foreign sorcerer.

Ossas Gilia politely requested hospitality. Gordangar provided water. The emissary then bluntly informed the Ring that the clan’s tribute had been doubled. After the yelling and curses died down, Morganeth White-Eye inquired simply, “Why?”

The emissary replied, “The Woodpeckers may have an artifact called the Eye of the Half-Bird. This item is declared property of the Emperor. Thieves stole it. The Empire wishes it returned.”

“Do you call us thieves?”, stormed Savan Thundermaker.

The emissary opened his palms towards the sky, “Not at all. I merely state that the Empire believes that the Woodpeckers know of this artifact and where it may be found. The additional tribute is only meant to prod your memory. Render unto Moonson that which is Moonson’s. Give us the Eye and we will leave you in peace.”

“We know what your ‘peace’ looks like!”, responded Savan.

“And it is a beautiful thing, is it not?”, riposted Ossas Gilia.

Gordanger listened quietly to all of this, thought for a moment, then told the emissary exactly where he could find the fabled Eye of the Half-Bird.

With practiced brutal efficiency, the soldiers set about collecting the additional tribute while the emissary drank our water.