Boldhome, Fire Season 1617, and the Great Banquet Robbery

A report from the Orlmarthings who were there.

About ex. Hearth Day

Ernalda brings forth Mahome, the sacred hearth fire, to empower the women. The woman of the community who has been married the longest lights the sacred fire to bring the Dawn. Women spend the day taming unruly beings that come into the house while the men prepare a feast.

.x. Victorious Sun Day

Elmal’s worshippers stayed up all the preceding night, preparing massive bonfires in the form of Elmal’s traditional foes. The priests lit these at dawn, and they burned all day and through the following night. At noon, the priests offered sacrifices to Elmal. The next morning, the worshippers gathered the ashes from the bonfires to use in making the sacred markings for the rest of the year.

An auspicious day to begin our quest for the Hands of Hofstaring! We inhaled deeply of the smoke from the Elmalian fires and proceeded on our journey. First, north to Jonstown, to fulfill our obligation to Gringle to deliver the Lead Grimoire to the Minaryth Purple. Then, we’ll head south along the King’s Road to Boldhome.

Xx. Godsday, Life Week

After a couple of days of following old trade paths that skirt the Colymar Wilds, we arrived in the village of Redbird and settled into the local inn for a meal and bed. While eating, we were approached by a distinctively dressed man who identified himself as the one and only Redbird, the mysterious and foreign sorcerer who found Temertain in Nochet and created the terms of the Lunar Peace. Redbird had a pitiful trollkin servant with him he called “Toad”. Redbird knew that we were carrying the Lead Grimoire and offered us a princely sum of coins for it. We politely refused and he attempted to up the offer. We still refused. He was obviously disappointed, but he bought our meal and drinks anyway.

The sorcerer’s generosity made Orsten uncomfortable, for someone who gives a gift but expects nothing in return is dangerous. Desrik and Dinestan drank themselves to sleep and weariness overcame Sarlanth. But Orsten set his spirits to warn him if anything approached the grimoire in our camp. During the night, the attentive spirits warned us and nothing happened.

oc. Freezeday, Stasis Week

We arrived in Jonstown. The Lunar guards from the gate questioned us and took a gate tax. We went directly to the Temple of Lhankor Mhy to find Minaryth Purple. At the Library, Desrik charmed a young initiate named Elarda, who found Minaryth Purple for us. The great sage was excited and pleased receive the Lead Grimoire, and gave us an introduction to a wild sage, Old Andrin, in Boldhome, who could help us find the Hands.

Not wishing to stay in the filthy, stinking city during the height of Fire season any longer, we camped on the road towards Boldhome.

ec. Clayday, Stasis Week

We followed the King’s Road south from Jonstown high into the Quivin Mountains. Leaving the heat and stink behind, we rose into the high mountains where patches snows still tenaciously gripped the ground. We arrived at the narrow canyon that formed the North Gate of Boldhome - a death-trap for any attackers - and stood in line with other travelers we were arriving for Day 88 - Founding Day - tomorrow. The gate and wall were heavily populated with well-armed and attentive Lunar soldiers, perhaps a hundred. The gate guards were, surprisingly, professional and efficient. We were soon inside the city after only a modicum of official prodding and poking. The gate tax was fair and, unlike Jonstown, the guards didn’t steal from us.

After traveling down the Long Ramp, we arrived in the Upper Right Arm. We made our way to the Black Spear Manor, the tribal lodge, where we received a warm welcome and hospitality from manor’s thane, Farnan Ernaldor. We gifted him appropriately. He was delighted. He had heard news of Sarlanth’s quest to woo Ernalsulva and he treated us with honor as young tribal heroes. The manor was crowded with other members of other clans, including some Enhyli, the Pony Clan of Runegate, a clan we have have had bad relations with: Desrik’s dead father was a young Enhyling who attempted to run off with his mother against the clan’s wishes.

We drank and ate our fill. Desrik got drunk, as usual. A destitute skald, Odrik Indrarlsson with a leaping salmon on his jerkin identifying him as a member of the Enjossi clan, begged us to accept him into our service so he could sing the songs of heroics later. Sarlanth accepted, giving Odrik our water, meat and salt and offering Odrik the hospitality of service.

Desrik and Odrik then began a competition of drunken jests and songs, which annoyed the even drunker Enhyli. After a few insults, Sarlanth wrestled the largest of them and won. Things settled down after that.

gc. Founding Day, Windsday, Stasis Week

We explored the city of Boldhome. Unlike the oppressive heat and stink of Jonstown, Boldhome’s wide spaces and high altitude made it seem more like a giant, impossibly-well-fortified tula than a “city”. We marvelled at the Mostali buildings that formed the fantastic “pockets”, places where the stone-carved buildings emerge and rise up the cliffs above us. We made our way through the throngs of people - thousands, if not ten thousand or more - all gathered and celebrating Founding Day. Sarlanth insisted that we visit the Flame of Sartar, though it no longer burns. There we prayed under the watchful, but non-interfering, eyes of the ever-present Lunar soldiers.

It took some time to cross the city from the Right Arm to the Left, where Geo’s Pocket lay. Geo’s Pocket was, unlike the pockets of the Right Arm, a treacherous and ramshackle affair of wooden structures, plank bridges, and rope ladders, lashed haphazardly to the rising cliff face. We found Geo’s Inn, itself populated with all sorts of seedy types who stared at us. The innkeeper, Erberen the Rider, greeted us in a strangely over-familiar manner. After drinking and eating, we asked after Old Andrin, whom Erberen pointed out. It was strange that we had not seen him before that.

We gave Old Andrin the letter from Minaryth Purple and asked for his help with locating the hands. He told us the following story:

Before the meeting atop Larnste’s Table, the Lunar sorcerers told Fazzur that of all the Sartarite kings, Hofstaring was the most dangerous. Alive he would never submit to the Red Emperor, and even dead he would still aid his people. They told Fazzur he must make sure that Hofstaring would no longer be a danger to the Red Emperor.

Fazzur said, “If Hofstaring is such a danger to you, then this is how he must be defeated. I shall tell him that he must surrender, using words that shall enrage him. He will try to use his great Leap to escape and you must summon demons that will bind him instead. They must take him into the Red Hell, but first his hands must be removed, for with his hands Hofstaring would eventually escape the Red Hell. But Hofstaring’s magic is such that his Hands must be given to the Prince of Sartar, or else they would find their way back to him.”

The sorcerers did exactly what Fazzur said and his plan worked perfectly. Fazzur then gave the hands, which had turned bright red with blood, to Temertain, to be placed under his protection. Each year, on the anniversary of the defeat of the Rebellion, Temertain throws a banquet and shows the Red Hands of Hofstaring to his guests. If you seek the Hands, that is when you may find them!

No sooner than Old Andrin had finished telling us this than our nemesis, Killer Branduan and his clansmen, burst into the inn and called Sarlanth out as a coward - a terrible insult meant to enrage us. It worked, and Sarlanth demanded a duel. Branduan agreed, stating he would await Sarlath at the Household of Death on Lawstaff Day, in one week’s time.

News of the duel spread like wildfire.

gs. Lawstaff Day, Windsday, Movement Week

Depending on the clan, many people associate this day specifically with Dar, Vingkot, or Orlanth Rex. Regardless of these differences, on Lawstaff Day everyone praises the Lawgivers — Orlanth, Vingkot, Jarani, Heort, and Andrin. The chieftain, king, or lawspeaker recites these laws at sacred sites. Although the regular tribal moot is the next day, kings hold a Law Moot after the morning sacrifices. At the Law Moot, they rule on important cases between clans. Decisions made on Lawstaff Day cannot be overturned.

We prepared for the duel thusly:

  • Sarlanth located a pot of woad.
  • Orsten made Sarlanth a charm to defend him from death.
  • Dinestan scouted the ruined Household of Death to ensure no traps or trickery could be used against us.
  • Desrik bribed the city guards to stay away.

We arrived at the Household of Death after sunset. Several dozen witnesses had gathered. Priests of Humakt performed sacred rights of Orlanth and Humakt to sanctify the duel, gaining the attention of the gods. Sarlanth came sky-clad, covered in woad, with his spear. Branduan came dressed in the finest clothes, jewels, and weapons his clan could provide. Branduan was clearly a match for Sarlanth.

Branduan struck quickly, drawing blood on his first stroke. But we urged Sarlath on, and Sarlanth won, wounding Branduan through his shoulder and knocking his sword away. Branduan’s uncle, Padau, stopped the fight by standing between Branduan and Sarlanth. Sarlanth raised his spear to kill Branduan, even if that meant killing Padau first. Farnan Ernaldor had to intervene, grabbing Sarlanth’s spear. Farnan invoked Dar, saying “By Dar’s Name, Stay Your Hand!” before Sarlanth could run both Uncle Padua and beaten Branduan through. The duel thus ended.

We learned later that the duel is now the most famous duel in Sartar in over a generation. Songs have already been written about “The Duel at the Household of Death”, the duel between Dueller and Killer, where both Orlanth and Humakt spat in the eye of the Red Goddess and honorably dueled for the love of Ernalda.

Though the Lunar guards kept to their word not to interfere with the fight, they quickly descended upon the Household of Death and arrested all of us as soon as it was over. And in this way, we met the prince, the governor, and the paramour.

Late in the evening, the soldiers escorted us to the palace, to the Main Hall, before the dais of Temertain, Prince of Sartar. Indeed, the news of the duel had not gone unnoticed by the prince and his advisors. How could it have not? There with “our prince” was Warlord Fazzur Wideread, the greatest military leader in all of Glorantha and the Lunar Governor-General, and Estal Donge, the prince’s paramour. It was Fazzur who knew who we were when we entered the hall, and Fazzur who interrupted the prince’s rapt attention on his paramour to deal with us.

We mollified the prince with gifts and words, pleasing him into a clumsy display of hospitality. Nonetheless, he was generous (we’ll grant him that). With but a little quiet prodding from the Paramour, he gave us apartments in the palace to rest and recover from the duel.

Later that night, a centurion appeared and took Dinestan to the apartment of Estal Donge. Thus began their torrid affair. After making love, Estal Donge commented curiously on the Sartar rune above Dinestan’s heart, for the prince had one just like it.

And so we spent our time in the palace, plotting and planning how to obtain the Hands of Hofstaring from the vaults of Temertain.

.i. Fireday, Illusion Week

On this day four years ago, the rebellion was defeated and Hofstaring Treeleader was condemned to the Red Hell. And each year since on this day, Prince Temertain celebrated by displaying the Hands of Hostaring at a great feast.

So, this is how we prepared for the feast:

  • Sarlanth purchased fine clothes for us all.
  • Dinestan continued his nightly torrid affair with Estal Donge right under the nose of the prince. The passion involved surprised them both.
  • Orsten and Desrik cooked up the “Stew Pot Plot” to drug the banquet guards.

The banquet was a rich and splendid boozy affair. Large roasts of beef, sweet porridge, fruit tarts, broiled fish, broth with bacon, roasted chicken, and sweets were piled up on the table, all flavored with spices and herbs from Peloria, Kethaela, Teshnos, and beyond. Prodigious amounts of Kethaelan dark wine were consumed from communal goblets passed from person to person and kept continually filled by attentive slaves. Dancing girls, sensuous music, and rich scents enhance the intoxication of the evening.

The sorcerer Redbird was there and inquired politely after the Lead Grimoire. He spent the evening drawing young Desrik in with his tales of adventure, wealth, and glory all over Glorantha. Sarlanth found himself beset by petitioners from all over the city, begging him to take up their cause to the prince. Orsten fidgeted nervously, listening to the angry, but ignored, palace spirits and contemplating what to do about the Mourning Dove should it begin singing. Dinestan found himself sitting discreetly near Estal Donge, who playfully sent him a tray of spearfish stuffed with oysters and spiced with oakrod from Teshnos.

After hours of feasting, and then a blasphemous and interminable reading of a list of long-dead foreign kings of some sort, Temertain brought out the Hands of Hofstaring floating in wine. He poured the wine out into a large glass bowl and each of us came forward to dip our goblets in the foul brew and drink it. When Sarlanth approached, the Mourning Dove sang, though Temertain ignored it.

Acting boldly, Sarlanth snatched the glass amphora containing the hands and leapt away. The banquet erupted into chaos. Temertain screamed in impotent rage as his Telmori royal guards swarmed to protect him. Estal Donge realized she had been used and betrayed. Enigmatically, Fazzur Wideread sat back and just watched. Redbird was instantly elsewhere.

Orsten’s spirits immediately filled the hall with clouds to blind the guards and cover our escape. Fortunately, most of the guards had succumbed to the “Stew Pot Plot”. Desrik tried to quickly disguise himself as a serving slave, but found himself collared by guards, forcing him to rely on his dagger to make good on his getaway. Dinestan found himself confronted by Estal Donge. He pleaded with her to come with him (and perhaps she considered it for a moment) but she slashed at him with her knife in venomous rage. Dodging her cuts and still pleading with her, he broke her heart and escaped.

Sarlanth found himself pursued by a Telmori palace guard and a Lunar sorcerer, both determined to kill him before he could escape the palace. Before the Telmori could leap on him, Killer Branduan appeared and blocked the wolf-man with his sword and yelled at Sarlanth to fly far away. Sarlanth made it to the palace doors, where he briefly dueled the Lunar sorcerer, then escaped, flying up and over Darsh Peak.

The “Great Banquet Robbery” is already a famous event in Sartar. It is especially popular with the puppeteer troupes.

wy. Waterday, Truth Week

Sarlanth, assisted by the great leaping magic of the Hands of Hofstaring, flew and leapt over the mountains and hills to get back to the tula as quickly as possible (this took two days). Two days after that, the rest of us arrived on ponies escorted by the Elhyli Sarlanth’s wrestled at the Black Spear Lodge, who rode with us to the edge of the tula before departing with their ponies. The clan celebrated with a great feast in our honor. They marveled at the Hands of Hofstaring and listened to Desrik and Odrik tell and sing of how we obtained them.

Gordangar, our chieftain, named Sarlanth a weaponthane and invited him to live in his hall with our uncle, Tarniskis. He gave Dinestan the title of thane and granted him new lands and cattle. Desrik groused that, once again, he was ignored by his own clansmen. Perhaps he should have gone off with the Enhyli?

ey. Clayday, Truth Week

Killer Branduan arrived and asked that he and Sarlanth compete for Ernasulva’s hand on less antagonistic grounds. Sarlanth agreed. Both our clan and the Greydogs set aside the old feuds to safely escort the Hands of Hofstaring to Greenstone together.

gy. Windsday, Truth Week

Our procession of Woodpeckers and Greydogs arrived at Greenstone. Dueller and Killer presented themselves before the Queen, Entarios the Supporter, and her beautiful daughter, Ernalsulva. Both were very pleased to receive the gift. Ernalsulva kissed Sarlanth (but not Branduan) and gave her us second task:

In the Upland Marsh is a great heirloom that once belonged to my ancestors. It was taken by a turbulent hero who lost it to the Taker and Waster, the Emperor of the Marsh. So here is my second challenge: the man who wishes to be my husband must bring me my ancestors’ sword. Bring me Wrath - the sword of Indrodar Greydog. It was lost to the Taker and Waster at the Howling Tower. You must bring it back to me.

Branduan and the Greydogs departed immediately afterwards, quickly returning to the lands. Will the Greydog’s willingly give up an ancient, lost, and precious clan relic to Greenstone if it could be found again?

Xy. Godsday, Truth Week

On the last day of the season, we visited to the court of our tribal King, Kangharl of the Taralings. He was fuming at us for events in Boldhome and Apple Lane, but once again we were able to mollify him, if just barely so and only for the time being. He is a prickly man.

We returned home to the tula. Earth season and the harvest is upon us. There is much work to do and for most, if not all, of Earth season we will be working the fields with our clansmen.

The Clan’s wealth was in crisis! The accumulated expenses of travel, gifting, petty theft, the duel, the banquet, and the escape have all taken their toll. The Ring was worried.

(note: Sarlanth is often just called “Dueller” by his clan and kin. color: blue)

The clan has taken to calling us - Orsten, Dinestan, Desrik, and Sarlanth - “Handskarl” alone or “The Handskarlings” when speaking of us as a group.

Prince Temertain has proclaimed us all “outlaw”, which is tantamount to a death-sentence among our people. Fortunately, even our own Lunarized tribal king doesn’t see fit to pay attention to the prince’s declarations. But the Blackmor is a moody man.