Minaryth Blue's Account of Dangerford

Minaryth’s account as given to the Thane of Apple Lane.

Account of Dangerford

By Minaryth Blue

I was at Dangerford with Kallyr’s Host. The Freedom Battle has been won, though at terrible cost. As Kallyr suspected, Fazzur had marched from Aldachur to Herongreen despite the snow in an effort to race across Dangerford and fortify the town before Kallyr could muster her army from Jonstown and Boldhome. Despite the attrition from the snow and cold, Fazzur’s army outnumbered Kallyr’s host almost 2 to 1. Fazzur’s army stood in uniform ranks, glistening in copper and bronze, bristling with spears. Kallyr’s much smaller host looked more like a gathering of shepherds and farmers than an army. But Kallyr had Venharl and the Candle Dancers fresh from victory at Jonstown, the Khledon Antlercase, and the Culbrea Headhunters, all fearsome horsemen. The ducks sent 750 foot, as well! The Zorak Zorani Leadbelly was there with his war band - it is a bad day indeed when you desire to count Zorak Zoran among your allies. And Kallyr had the Red Cow magicians of the Eleven Lights, who had overcome and killed the traitor Ivar Quickstep and his Sworn Knives in Dangerford before she arrived. Ivar’s head was above the gate to greet the Prince of Sartar. This did not please Kallyr, however, as she had commanded that Ivar be convinced or captured to avoid kinstrife. Now, the Cinsina would be at each other’s throats again, and reprisals were already underway between the Red Cow and the Dolutha by the time she arrived. Most unfortunate.

Shortly after sunset, the Lunars sent a small force to take the ford and many duels between Tarshites and Sartarites were fought under the watchful eye of the Arkati Ghost upon the island. This was a distraction. Fazzur moved the bulk of his army covered by night and new snow, while Kallyr’s forces were throwing punches on Isle Dangerous. By midnight, he had 9000 men, horse and foot, on the north bank of the creek, ready to charge. Kallyr ordered the Headhunters and the Antlercase, a company of Orlanthi foot, and all three companies of ducks to hold the Isle. The Eleven Lights and the Candle Dancers held up in the Dangerford Fort on the north bank, within spellshot of Fazzur’s troops. I was with them. Kallyr had ordered the Eleven Lights to rain Starfire down upon the Lunars. Behind the walls of the fort, they began their ritual while the Candle Dancers protected them.

Fazzur sent the Moon Arrows and a regiment of foot with ladders against the fort to disrupt the Eleven Lights while the Bell Temple and Char-un charged across the ford towards the bulk of Kallyr’s host. The fort held, and fire, oil, blood, and bodies rained from the walls. Fazzur had a secret though. He brought with him Alkothi Hell Men of Shargash Jagrekriand who burn with molten fire on the inside. They charged the fort, immune to snow and fire, and leapt up the ladders scaling the walls. They surprised us, cutting and burning their way through the Candle Dancers to the Eleven Lights. Without the support of the Cinsina because of the kin strife, they fell. The Hell Men cut them down and spoiled the ritual. No rain of Starfire would rout the Lunar army. The Candle Dancers covered our retreat out the water gate, and the fort was lost. I was forced to grab what I could from the remains of the ritual and leap over the wall into the freezing waters of the Creek. I am lucky that some ducks saw me and pulled me from the water and carried me safely to the southern bank behind the main body of fighting.

Throughout the pre-dawn, the Lunars repeatedly clashed against our forces holding Isle Dangerous until the Creek ran red. By dawn, you had to walk across the bodies of men and beasts to cross the ford. With dawn came a massive Lunar charge and our ranks broke and Fazzur took the isle. The Antelope Lancers, who Fazzur had held in reserve all night, came forward with two thousand fresh foot. Kallyr swore she would not lose to Fazzur again, and rallied the troops to her. I saw her standing upon her shield, held aloft by her bodyguard, blazing in the morning sun, and shouting to the host. Fazzur’s cavalry charged again, but our good Orlanthi rallied to their Prince and stood, unbroken by the charging Antelope Lancers, and through the sheer force of Kallyr’s will drove Fazzur’s host back, meter by meter, across the ford, heaving the fabled Antelope Lancers into the Creek, until the back of the Lunar offensive was broken and Fazzur retreated back to Herongreen. It cost her thousands of good Orlanthi lives, more than half of the men she had, but we won. I heard a victory cry I never thought I’d hear in my life as one by one our voices went up: I fought, We won! I fought, We won!

That night, after the drinking, I fell asleep and had an ominous dream. I dreamed the Red Goddess snuck into camp and plunged her wicked kopis into Kallyr. I awoke and ran to her tent immediately, but she was safe and unharmed, asleep for the first time in days and well-protected. But I couldn’t shake the dream, so I went back to my tent and prayed to the Knowing God for guidance. He spoke to me. He said that the Queen in the West needed the Eleven Stars - not yet, but soon enough, and this would anger the Queen in the East, but it was better this way. He said that Red Shargash still hunted the Three Wounded Stars he had struck down and that they must be hidden from him, even though this would weaken the Queen in the East. Still, it was better this way. He said the Giant’s Bride, the Sun’s Lance, and the Apple Thane could keep them safe for now, from friend and foe alike, for Bride could keep a secret, the Lance could blind Shargash should he come looking, and the Thane could open and close the door of an impenetrable vault where no one would think to look for them.

So, an hour before dawn, I woke the same ducks that had plucked me out of the Creek and had them wait for me with their canoe outside Kallyr’s camp. I loosed my slyph to carry me silently back into Kallyr’s tent, took what I must take from her, and fled by canoe down-creek and made my way to Larnste’s Table. And now, here I am. You wouldn’t happen to know any Giant Bride’s, would you?