The Lightbringer's Summon

G Excerpt from the Stafford Section, Jonstown Library

The Lightbringer’s Summons is a desperate call to aid any who utter it that no member of a Lightbringers cult can ignore. It should not be used frivolously.

Any initiate or Rune master of one of the Seven Lightbringer cults1 can invoke the Lightbringer’s Summons to receive assistance from another Lightbringer cultist.

The summons is always formally presented by reciting the following poem:

Chaos stalks my world.
Broos have bruised me, the Hand has pawed me.
I have taken up the impossible path,
And seek those who must aid my task.
You are not the first of my friends.
Others walked with me to Heal.
The Devil took them, they died.
I failed to save them, Chaos grows.

The person making the summons must have personally seen or experienced a specific Chaos threat. A false summons (whether knowingly or unknowingly false) leads to immediate attack from the cult spirits of retribution, and the summoner loses all power and benefit from the god.

Any master of one of the Seven Lightbringer cults must answer the legitimate call of the summons or lose all power and benefit of their god.

I hear and stand before you,
But I am only one.
What would you have of me?

Even though a formality at times, a legitimate Lightbringer’s Summons is nonetheless always binding, and one may escape it only by providing another type of divine assistance, such as a useful magical gift.

Orlanth used this summons at the beginning of the Lightbringers’ Quest to bring the other members of the quest to his side. Additionally, Orlanth used the Eternal Ring of the Vingkotlings to summon forty-nine thousand Vingkotling warriors during the quest. Both of these summons are significant events in mythology.

  1. Orlanth, Chalana Arroy, Lhankor Mhy, Issaries, Eurmal, Flesh Man, and Ginna Jar. ↩︎