The Colymar Orlmarth

What Everyone Knows about the Orlmarth Clan

The Orlmarth are one of the oldest clans in Sartar, and one of the Five Old Clans of the Colymar Tribe. They were founded nearly three centuries ago by the second son of Chief Colymar, who built his stead above the Nymie River at the place now called Old Man village. They have long herded and hunted along the Starfire Ridge and surrounding Thunder Hills and know many secret paths over the Ridge to Swanvale or into the lands of the Lismelder; as a result, they are sometimes called the “Keepers of Secrets,” although perhaps they know more secrets than that.

The Orlmarth are more popularly called the “Woodpeckers.” All clan members are marked with a woodpecker tattoo; the clan holds the Red-Headed Woodpecker sacred and associates that bird with the guardian wyter of the clan. Sartar the Founder has links with the clan and once transformed a band of assassins into termites before they could murder the sleeping family of King Rostakos, calling upon the sacred woodpeckers to devour them.

More kings of the Colymar have come from the Orlmarth clan than any other clan - four kings in the last century. The Orlmarth have had several violent feuds with the Greydog clan of the Lismelder Tribe, the most famous reaching its climax when King Orlgandi Orlmarth burned down Greydog Inn forcing the Greydogs to sue for peace. Every generation or so, the feud erupts again.

An inaccurate depiction of Old Man, drawn by Ostokolos of Furthest from descriptions given by missionaries.

Clan Virtues

The Orlmarth prize these virtues.


Keep your wits about you. The sharp mind is the greatest weapon. The sharp tongue is mightier than the sword.


No one can make you do anything.


If you do not stand up for yourself, your kin, and your achievements, who will? Stand up for yourself and never back down.


Fools rush in. We prefer to tread carefully, weighing our options before committing ourselves to action.

Clan Background Bonuses

  • Horsemanship, Bonus +10% Ride(Horse);
  • Sheepherding, Bonus +10% Herd; and
  • The Dragonewt Peace Ritual (Promenade of Egg and Wyrm), Orlmarthings know a secret Dance to open peaceful communications with dragonewts (similar to Orlanth’s Greeting Ritual).

Temples and Shrines

Note: Sacrifice to and worship of Orlanth was outlawed by the Lunar Empire under the Lunar Peace Treaty signed by Prince Temertain in 1613 ST, but was re-established after his demise.

Orlanth g

The clan’s patron god is Orlanth and the clan supports a temple to Orlanth. The temple has at least one priest (Savan Thundermaker).

Violence is always an option.

Ernalda e

The clan is a balanced clan and supports a temple to Ernalda. The temple has at least one priest (Morganeth White Eye).

There is always another way.

Kolat b

The clan’s ancestor is Kolat and it has yearly interactions with the nearby spirits at Starfire Ridges. The clan maintains a shrine to Kolat and supports a seza, or shaman, (He-Who-Stands-Beside-The-Circle) to maintain the shrine and appease the local ghosts.

I call on the spirits Before Me, On My Right, Behind Me, On My Left, Above Me, and Below Me.

Hofstaring Treeleaper W

A small shrine to Hofstaring Treeleaper magically appeared within the clan’s temple to Orlanth in 1618 after Sarlanth Senstavalsson, Dinestan Dartarsson, Redhands Desrik, and Orsten Vanmastsson returned from Hell successfully with the hero.

Hofstaring was the greatest king the Culbrea ever had. Over 100 years old when he fought Starbrow’s Rebellion, he was famous for his leaping ability and his incredible magic spear Chest-Breaker that fought on its own. He was almost killed when the Empire sacked Boldhome but escaped with his leap. Beloved by the Storm God, King Hofstaring summoned the great flood that destroyed the Lunar Army before the Hill of Orlanth Victorious.

Sartar G

In 1618, Dinestan Dartarsson erected a secret shrine to Sartar atop the Little Starfire Ridges. Dinestan currently tends the shrine alone.

Other Temples and Shrines

The nearest priests of Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, and Chalana Arroy are at Clearwine Fort. The nearest priest of Elmal is at Runegate. The nearest priest of Humakt is at Indrodar’s Necklace. No priest of Urox is nearby.

Orlmarth, Grandfather Bronzebeak, Clan Wyter gsb

Orlmarth Bronzebeak stands in the chieftain’s hall. He is carved from wood and painted bright red and blue. He has a shiny brass beak, large opals for eyes, and a necklace of finger bones.

The wyter often manifests as a flock of red-headed woodpeckers that drum a warning when enemies are in the clan lands.

The wyter has manifested at least once as a terrifying giant woodpecker formed of lightning and clouds.

Grandfather Bronzebeak was once befriended by King Sartar:

“Sartar’s third miracle was to turn a band of assassins into termites. The murderers had been bent upon attacking the sleeping family of Rostakos, the Colymar King. Woodpeckers, sacred to a Colymar clan, arrived quickly afterwards to rout the inhuman murderers."

Thunder Brother

Helamakt is the honored thunder brother of the clan.

Wyter Abilities

  1. Call Rain Stick (clan treasure)
  2. Dull Fire Thunderstone (clan treasure)
  3. Goatpoker (clan treasure)
  4. Potter Blessing Kiln (clan treasure)
  5. Stormspear (clan treasure)
  6. Confound Chaos (grants Impede Chaos)
  7. Treeleaping (grants Great Leap)
  8. Defy the Bright Emperor (Passion 85%, usable by clan for augments)
  9. Practice Makes Perfect (Passion 80%, usable by clan for augments)
  10. Inspire Desire (Passion 75%, usuable by clan for augments)


Bronzebeak Saves the Queen

Heroquest Secret

The Forgotten Trail Through the Forest at Stormfall Battle

Important People

The Clan Ring

The Orlmarth clan is a traditional clan, adjusted according to Orlmarthing custom and history: the Inner Ring leans “towards the storm”. The Inner Ring consists of:

  • Orlanth: Speaks for the warriors, nobles, and god-talkers.
  • Ernalda the Earth: Speaks for the women and children.
  • Kolat: Speaks for the ancestors and the ghosts of the Illavani.
  • Barntar: Speaks for the farmers and crafters.
  • Heler: Speaks for the herders, the animals and their tenders.
  • Yinkin: Speaks for the hunters.
  • Esrola the Grain Goddess: Speaks for plants and their tenders.
The Clan Ring c1626

The Outer Ring consists of the Thunder Brothers and the Weaver Women.

The Chieftain

Gordangar Kenstrelsson Wgs

Position: Chieftain

Gordangar Kenstrelsson is the clan chieftain, a shrewd survivor from a powerful bloodline. He hates and fears the Lunars as his father was killed by the Lunar Army at the Battle of Grizzly Peak. He is middle-aged, generous, and traditional. Gordangar maintains friendship with King Kangharl, although people wonder about that. He is a supporter of the Royal House of Sartar, although people wonder about that, too.

Inner Ring

Savan Thundermaker Wgs

Position: Inner Ring, Orlanth

Savan Thundermaker is the clan’s full-time priest and brother of Gordangar. He is haunted by prophecies of the Hero Wars and believes that the doom of the gods and men is rapidly approaching. He is a devotee of Ohorlanth and spends his life performing rituals to strengthen the storm gods. Savan is a passionate defender of the Royal House of Sartar.

Oulf Three-Troll gYW

Position: Inner Ring, Yinkin

Three-Troll (hardly anyone calls him Oulf) is a devotee of Garven the Hunter and the most important hunter and Yinkini in the clan. He once slew three trolls on the tula single-handedly - he wears a necklace made from their tusks. He knows the alynx secret of Yinkin and spends about half of his days wandering the tula as an alynx. He is easily recognizable as a large alynx with blue-black fur and white points on his ears and a large white Mastery rune on his chest.

Morganeth White Eye exl

Position: Inner Ring, Ernalda

Morganeth White Eye is the clan’s fulltime priestess and performs the rites at Orane’s sanctuary. She has powerful healing magic and is blessed by Kev. Morganeth was born to the Ernaldor clan and has strong connections to the Colymar Earth Temple. She lost her eyesight when the Crimson Bat devoured Runegate. She dislikes Humakti, distrusts Vingans, and despises Uroxings; but she is always generous with her Healing magic to members of her clan and tribe.

Stands Aside blg

Position: Inner Ring, Kolat

Stands Aside is the clan’s Kolating seza (shaman). No one knows exactly how old he is for he has looked like a man in his late middle-age “forever”. When asked his age, the only answer he’s ever known to have given was “I’ll die when I’m needed to.” He rarely speaks, but always says something important. Despite his stern and frightening demeanor towards adults, he clearly has a soft-spot for children and has a reputation for being the first to protect the weakest among the clan. He has a good relationship with Morganeth White Eye. When he walks by, you can feel his allied spirits around him like a hundred little gusts of air. He is afraid of the Necromancer of the Upland Marsh.

Orlgard Korlmarsson gtW

Position: Inner Ring, Barntar

Orlgard Korlmarsson is an elderly thane from a rival bloodline of the chief’s. He is wise and discerning, and knows every legal procedure and tactic. He was never a warrior and knows little about fighting (but much about dying as his father, his brother and his two sons all died fighting the Empire), but his advice to farmers is relied on by the more prudent carls of the clan. He is an initiate of Lhankor Mhy.

Esroldrella Grower exp

Position: Inner Ring, Esrola

Esroldrella is the clan’s young priestess of Esrola, who trained at Clearwine Temple under Queen Yanioth Brandgorssdottir. She is a widow; her husband Blackarl was taken in the broo raids of 1611, and she has re-wed no one else. She is deathly afraid of broo, almost to the point of paranoia. She possesses some remarkable magic from her Plant rune, which she developed while at Clearwine.

Blue Arvale wsl

Position: Inner Ring, Heler

Arvale is an elderly devotee of Tarena the Blue Woman, and though she still cuts an beautiful figure, her age is catching up to her. She has always been tall and lithe with a dancer’s body, but now she is being bent by her years. She keeps her hair cropped short and dyed blue. She worries that her magic will soon fail her and the clan. Blue Arvale is a haughty woman with a mercurial temper, clearly frustrated by her aging body. She possesses a powerful daimone, Sistermist, she can call on to assist her, though she is loathe to admit she must often do so.


Erinina Copper Axe sgW

Position: Clan Champion

Erinina Copper-Axe is the most ferocious warrior of the clan. A Vingan warrior woman, half her head is shaved and the shoulder-length hair on the other side is dyed blood-red. Her body is adorned with tattoos and she carries a copper-bladed axe. Debate is not her strength: she relies on intimidation, bluster, and her fearsome reputation to get her way. Erinina is jealous of any perceived rival for glory or attention.

Yanrenava Wild Hair tey

Position: Guardian of Orane’s Loom

Yanrenava Wildhair is a lovely young maiden with a distinctive wild mane of bright red hair. She is an initiate of Babeestor Gor and protects the clan’s Earth Temple (Orane’s Loom) and acts as bodyguard for the priestess, Morganeth. She is one the clan’s best horse riders, having learned how to ride from the Feathered Horse Queen when she was a child. She’s intelligent and self-possessed, but no man has been willing to try and court her despite her beauty. She possesses an iron axe she stole from trolls a few years ago. There is no love lost between her and the Vingan, Erinina.

Neighboring Clans

Anmangarn, “The Black Spear Clan”

Also known as the Black Spear clan, due to the sacred object that Chief Colymar bore when he led the first clan to these lands. The spear was a sacred object for many years after the creation of the Colymar Tribe, but a dispute about its use nearly led to violence in the house of the king. To resolve the dispute, King Korlmar sent the spear into the wilderness, and swore that only those who could “follow” it, as in the old days, would deserve to have it. He was among those who found it, and in the wilds those people swore a special oath whose contents are known only to them, and to the clan that was made to defend the secrets. They are the Anmangarn clan, who are also noted for the fine black bulls that they breed.

They are our allies. We were once part of the Black Spear Clan.

Arnoring, “The Potter’s Clan”

They are one of the original Old Clans, formed from the overgrown Colymar clan. They are famed for their skills at pottery and other crafts. The town of Quackford is an important market place for the clan. About a generation ago (1602), the Lunar Empire settled an old dispute and took the town of Quackford for itself, robbing the clan of much of its income.

They are our allies. We once taught them the Wheel Secret and they taught us the Kiln Secret.

Ernaldor, “The Sacred Clan”

Blessed by the Goddess, the Ernaldor are the most populous clan of the tribe and the richest in harvest and trade. The royal clan once held these lands, the first clan chief being the son of Colymar. But that bloodline is now extinct, and has been for years. The clan traditionally dominates the Clearwine Earth Temple and most priestesses come from the clan.

They are our friends. Many of our goodwives come from there.

Greydog, of the Lismelder Tribe

The Greydog clan lives on the other side of the Starfire Rides. We have feuded with them for generations. Sixty or so years ago, our king, Orlgandi Orlmarth, burned down Greydog Inn forcing the Greydogs to sue for peace because they had no place to live. Every generation or so, the feud erupts again.

They are our enemies. They tried to take our lands from us and we hit them back as hard as we could. Too much blood has been spilled.

Enhyl, “The Red Pony Clan”

One of the original Hyaloring triarchy settled here c. 1325. They are also an Elmal clan (Elmal is the clan’s patron and protector), and descendants of the hero Kuschile. They also protested the Fish Marriage and fought in the Taral War. They hate all things that were once dead, but now act alive, and offer many sacrifices to Humakt. They are sometimes called the “Ostor Colymar.”

They are our enemies even though they are our cousins. We raided their tula for horses. They set fire to our barns. We killed their Second Son. They took our cottars hostage. Too much blood has been spilled.

The Blood Spear Clan, of the Locaem Tribe

The Blood Spear clan are traitors and we name them so. When Shepelkirt’s Liars came to Sartar, their king gave the foreigners salt and listened to their evil words. When Boldhome fell, the Blood Spears danced with the Lunars over our people’s corpses. When Kallyr rebelled, the Blood Spears told the Lunar army where to find our people’s hidden camps. The Lunars rewarded the Locaem by giving them our cousins, the Zethnorings. Their king, Gavial Brightspear, led the Duck Hunt. They have abandoned Orlanth and sacrifice to foreign gods.

They are our enemies. They bowed to the Red Moon and let Chaos into Sartar.

Rosgoring, of the Balmyr Tribe

The Rosgoring are bandits and thieves who sneak into our tula with their vile dogs to steal our sheep and cattle and kill our alynxes. They delight in being a problem for everyone else. We call them the Flea People.

They are our enemies. They steal from us too often.


Sheep herding and farming.


No one can make you do anything.


  1. Bereneth the Rider and Red-Haired Redalyde
  2. Kolat

Claim to Fame

More kings of the Colymar have come from the Orlmarth clan than any other clan - four kings in the last century.


  • 1130 people
    • 565 adults
    • 94 elders
    • 471 not adults
  • 508 males and 622 females
  • 81 thanes and huscarls
  • 243 carls
  • 241 cottars

Clan Muster

  • 56 thanes
  • 125 fyrd
  • 125 skirmishers
  • 70 helpers



Ancient Allies

  1. Dragonewts


  1. Praxians
  2. Starfire Spirits

Ancient Enemies

  1. Jagrekriand
  2. Fire Tribe

Chaos Foe

  1. Broos


  1. Alkoth and Shargash
  2. Broos
  3. Dara Happans
  4. Delecti the Necromancer
  5. Fire Tribe
  6. Lunars
  7. The God King
  8. Undead


  1. Fears Dragons
  2. Hidden Curse of Thed

Lunar Relations

0% Friendly 100% Hostile

Orlmarthing Kings of the Colymar G

The Orlmarth have produced more Kings of the Colymar than any other clan. From left to right, they are:

  • Korlmar Kentventsson, 1552-1558, lord of Runegate, who won fame at the Battle of Karnge Farm;
  • Orlgandi Rangorsson, 1558-1565, who died heroically protecting the High King;
  • Kenstrel Hendsson, 1577-1582, who was killed at the Battle of Grizzly Peak;
  • Jarstakos Hendsson, 1598-1602.

Traditional Clan Tattoos

Stylized woodpecker.

Abbreviated History

  1. Favoured Old God: Uleria, Goddess of Love.
  2. Asrelia’s Treasure: The Rich Swan.
  3. First Ceremony: We did the Sacrifice Dance.
  4. Helped Umath When: Defying the Bright Emperor.
  5. Joined Orlanth Because: He challenged the Bright Emperor to Contests of Dancing, Magic, and Music, and then killed the Emperor with his new weapon, Death.
  6. Earliest Famous Event: The Pot-Making.
  7. Marriage of Orlanth and Ernalda: We guarded the sacred circle.
  8. Joined By: Karantuel.
  9. Ancient Enemy: Jagrekriand the Red God.
  10. Nearly Exterminated By: The Chaos Gods.
  11. Chaos Foe: Broos.
  12. Survived the Great Darkness By: A star captain fell screaming from the sky, and his light led us safely through the Darkness.
  13. Unity Council Ally: The dragonewts.
  14. Heortling Tribe: We belonged to Berenethtelli.
  15. First God Awakened: Kolat.
  16. Resisted Lokamayadon: Pretended to go along with High Storm, and waited for a good time to rebel.
  17. When Arkat Came: Neither helped nor hindered.
  18. When Arkat Betrayed Us: Offended, but we still worked with him against Gbaji.
  19. Attitude Towards EWF: Hostile.
  20. Lesson from the Dragonkill: Kings should rule, because priests make errors when they try to lead people.
  21. Left Heortland Because: We hated the God-King.
  22. Settled: Hills and Highlands of the Starfire Ridge.
  23. New Enemies: The Undead.
  24. New Tribe: Black-Spear Tribe.
  25. King Sartar: He united the tribal kings.
  26. Lunar Missionaries: We killed them.
  27. Tarkalor’s War: We fought honorably, but not insanely.
  28. Lunar Conquest: We chose to bide our time until a good day for rebellion came.
  29. Infighting: We lamented this dishonorable violence.
  30. Starbrow’s Rebellion: Some warriors fought even though we forbade them to.
  31. Temertain: We hate him, but there is nothing to be done.
  32. Duck Hunt: No.