bp Hungry Cabbage Heads

These destructive spirits invaded Apple Lane in early 1626. It was soon learned that if one left a small bowl of porridge in the patches or a small offering of blood, the spirits would leave tend to the cabbages, eating bugs and other vermin, rather than eat the cabbages.

The spirits are normally disembodied plant spirits. But they can incorporate, by inhabiting a nearby cabbage, lettuce, or similar garden plant. When corporeal, they are stick figure men with cabbages for head. They have huge mouths stuffed with sharp teeth.

The children around Apple Lane (there are a few) begin playing a game called King of the Cabbage Patch.

Hungry Cabbage Head Spirit bp

Attr Rolled Average
STR 2d6 (7)
CON 3D6 (10)
SIZ 1D6 (3)
DEX 3D6 (10)
INT 3D6 (10)
POW 3D6 (10)
CHA 1D6 (3)


Derived Average
HP 8
MP 10
Dam Bonus -1D4
Heal Rate 2
Spirit Dam 1D6